How to Conduct Effective Virtual Board Meetings

If you’re using a board-management software program, ensure that it offers secure document storage. Your organization handles a lot of documents ranging from financial reports to governing documents and you’ll want to ensure that all members have secure access. You should also consider installing a portal program that lets members communicate and make comments on documents before meetings, or even during meetings.

It is crucial to inform the board members in advance of a meeting to remind board members of the meeting, as well as any necessary documents. Provide the agenda and any other relevant materials at least a week ahead of time so everyone has the chance to read through the material and enter the meeting prepared. It’s also an excellent idea to ask for any additional feedback from your board members in advance of the meeting. This will give you an opportunity to address any concerns prior to when they come up at the meeting.

Virtual boards are made up of a variety of people who have competing schedules and commitments. If you can, schedule virtual meetings during times that the majority of the members are available. Avoid early mornings, late evenings, and frequent breaks. If that’s not feasible you can use a digital scheduling tool to help you find a the best time for your meeting that is suitable for as many people as is possible.

It is important to establish the rules for virtual meetings manners, like muting your microphone when you’re not speaking, and holding meetings in a peaceful space free of distractions (including messy desks!). It’s also beneficial to be able to have a designated minute-taker for each virtual meeting who will keep the discussion focused and note all motions and discussions in a written format.

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